Organized by Picardy Region and the Free State of Thuringia, regions producing and processing renewable resources, this first competition of ideas is granted with financial prizes and prototyping fees for a total value of 80000€.

This competition invites to discover and use eco- materials, materials in their conception, production, setup, use and end of life contribute to limit their impact on our environment and agro-materials made in part or all of material coming from agriculture (vegetal or animal).

To enter, you have to present original and realistic ideas using those materials in the field of architecture and design. Two categories: Professionals and Students. Numerous Material files are downloadable for free and regularly added, as well as specific information for registered people, calendar of interesting activities, etc.  

The international jury is made of (among others): Jean-Michel Wilmotte (architect), Jean-Marie Massaud (designer), Pr. Daniel Thomas (scientist and responsible of Industry and Agro-Ressources World Pole (IAR)),  Catherine Ronge (eco-design), …

Information, rules, registration and submission of projects before 18/04/2010 on

The info brief on novelties and materials ADREAM n°3 is online and you can download it here :