LD group of modules is designed for engineers, scouts, scientists, or other users who work away from their homes, in different environment conditions. Also, LD modules can be used in refugee’s camps, motels, etc.
LD group of modules are compose of 3 types of boxes which make an entirety.
That’s: L-BOX (living), E-BOX (energy) and S-BOX (sleeping).
L-BOX is main module, which contains all necessary stuffs for living, working and dining. In the basic pack that’s: sofa, TV set, all necessary shelves and closets and 2 work spaces.
On this box can be please windshield element, before entrance.
E-BOX is module with all necessary installations, and other module equipment. This module have a part named “tank”, which contains air conditioner, water tank (if it’s necessary), connectors for electric power and roof solar collectors (if that exists)… This module contains kitchen (which is connect with living space), and bathroom (which is connect with sleeping space).
S-BOX is module with sleeping space, which in the basic pack contains 2 beds, but it can be up to 4 beds (2 in one level).
Modules can be pleace on a plane concrete surface. In that case boxes are support on short metal elements with out attach for the ground. This is usefuly  axaptebaly for urban spaces.
In extreme environment conditions modules can be please on metal columns, which must be secured in the ground.
Modules are made of plastic and isolation layers, with built in all necessary installations. Outside surface and windows are UV protected.

In this part off project was designed only basic pack off modules, but it’s possible other solutions in the same composition.


Na slikama:

konkursni rad
priznanje na međunarodnom konkursu
living box, u konkurenciji od 2483 radova.

arh. vladan nikolić
aps. arh. olivera milosavljević
